Saturday, August 15, 2015

Social Work Month Prize Pack Winner

And the winner is...... Roseanna

This past social work month I held a giveaway. I had plans to send out the prize pack to the winner shortly after the winner was announced. But life got in the way.
It was a big lesson for me that those who spend so much time giving to others can get lost in the shuffle at times. I have taken time to self care and recoup and have shipped out the prize pack.

This is the second annual gift giving I have done. I feel that Social Work Month is the perfect time to recognize other social workers and encourage their self care.

I asked Roseanna to share a few words that I could post for others. She had this to say: "So glad to win social work resources and swag ;). As a profession we often spend more money on work than treating ourselves. Thanks for taking time to recognize the heart we put in all we do <3"

How do you give back to others?
How do you take care of yourself?