Thursday, August 28, 2014

Diet time!

Happy Thursday Everyone!
There are times when we stand in our own way to achieving happiness. Below are a few things that I think we can all give up that will make happiness a better possibility. I know that I am at times guilty of many of these things.
Do you ever feel selfish when you think of taking care of yourself? Well I am here to tell you that you should not. If you don't take care of you, you will be unable to work effectively, love effectively, or play effectively. So lets all try a new "diet". This will be a challenge but let's agree to give it a try. NO people pleasing, NO self doubt, NO negative thinking, NO fearing failure, no self criticizing, no more saying "yes" when you mean "no", and finally NO more procrastination.

I have learned that with diets it is better to focus on what you can have: self compassion, self empathy, understanding of self, and as I have learned in my Daring Way group treating yourself as you would a loved one (you love yourself don't you?) {If not it is time to}.

Try this for 7 days and tell me how it works for you.

I am willing to bet that you will experience more happiness by the end of this diet.

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